1 definition by dontknowboutubutilovefootball

Gabriele is an italian name, for boys, that means "God gives strenght" or "God's man".
Gabriele's are really outgoing and you can rely on them for a lot of things and problems, they are also really polite and they would never talk shit about you, if they don't know you.
They are usually really handsome and funny, once they look at you with those eyes you'll never forget them... whether they're green, blue, brown or black.
They have fun interests and hobbies, they are really adventurous and like to do dangerous stuff, they would even defy death if they could.
Girl1 :Gabriele is so cool, he bought a motorbike just the other day...
Girl2 : Really? Oh my...
Girl1 : If we knew each other i'd ask him to give me a ride home
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