4 definitions by don sullivan

1.a streetball move where you go to the ground bouncing it under you, catch it on the way up and bounce it on your other side as you spin around, and then back on to your feet.
1.i got a patented slip'n'slide through the legs.
by don sullivan November 30, 2004
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1.A term used to describe a girl thats got a small chest but a PHAT ass. So when you look top to bottom its like...plickity.....PLOW.
Damn cuz, that bitch is plickity plow.
by don sullivan November 30, 2004
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1.Code used over the phone with your dealer to check if hes got any in.
1.you:hey man you got your check today?
Dealer:yeah, why?
You:I need ta borrow $50.
Dealer:sure come get it
by don sullivan November 30, 2004
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1. Its a Phillie blunt.
1.Hey nigga roll that phillie up so we can blaze.
by don sullivan November 30, 2004
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