2 definitions by dekes_b00ty

A girl who looks like she has a good looking face from the front, but when she turns her head to the side and you see how screwed up or how big her nose is, it makes you question whether or not she is actually hot.
Guy 1: Yo did you see that blonde on the other end of the bar? Pretty cute.

Guy 2: I was thinking the same thing at first, but then I caught a glimpse of that quiznose and totally changed my mind.

Guy 1: OH SNAPPP what a schnoz

Guy 2: Yeah, total grenade
by dekes_b00ty November 15, 2010
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Ugh, dude, I've been waiting in this line forever. The people in front of me cant figure out what the f*ck they want to order. I'm completely SBI right now.
by dekes_b00ty November 11, 2010
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