13 definitions by definerboi

Words are not the right way to describe a girl like her, she's more of a feeling you get, that lovely smell you get coming from her when you hold her the cute dimple on her chin the way her eyes get small when she laughs and how she gets a little annoyed in the most adorable way possible, Insiya is just something special
Insiya needs to looks both ways before crossing the road
by definerboi March 2, 2023
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A good school for friends but most suck. They also stingy as fuck, if you ever meet the Comrades they'll tell you how much they hate mesa and bridge classes. There's the multi-purpose hall near the entrance with a basketball court and swimming pool , my man fellow soviet good some good time in swimming or smtn, idrc. There is a football, field which is used for certain events. There is a gym where the Comrades did stupid shit. There are three blocks: primary, milestone and senior. Also reception with the added benefit of to canteens both with eh food. Theres also this like cricket net thing idrk what its for. And tennis my friend indo is pretty good at tennis. I was in the milestone block for about 4 years probably made the most memories there. For ex ding dong counsel. Played some porntiopia got rejected like a billion times. So in the end we may say that we hate and dislike DPS and we do but its not so bad with good friends like mine.
DPS Dubai where you come to make memories more than study.
by definerboi March 11, 2021
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Known this motherfucker for 5 years now. Literally amazing, hes a guy you could make drugs with, sooper smartly dumb, liked this chutiya girl named sanya fucking annoying woman i swear to god, somehow still friends with him after him leaving. CHAMPION OF THE DICK FLICK CHAMPIONSHIP, used to bully shaunak but who didnt eh. Also has very swag brother. Also his deserts are to die for.
Can you believe tanishq killed me and fucking stole my diamonds
by definerboi March 11, 2021
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A genuinely nice guy, very soft spoken but when he laughs he laughs hard, keeps bringing old shit to cancel himself for some reason lmao. Owner of Comrades. Been with me and the bois since 8th but still very pogchamp. If you need a dude to chill with hit him up.
Swarnil uses the mindset that if he cancels himself no one else can
by definerboi March 11, 2021
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Says smh way too much. Sooper smort, always the mom of the group, doesn't want to be a bad girl, hates the use of the r word. Is simped on by the Comrades, friend shhreya super cringe, apparently she hates this guy named like akash or smtn. Destroys every guy that ever liked her. Helps others before she helps herself, also she doesn't like this girl i don't remember her name but it was something along the lines of brown chick or something. This fucker named indo or smtn has a crush on her.
Simoni: hate and depression are strong words.
Simoni: people have insecurities
by definerboi March 11, 2021
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Rootbeer man with programming and jooj go brr
codino codivanna funni
by definerboi March 10, 2021
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