12 definitions by deandre

were a dog sleeps, a dog house
"I'm building a new dog box for my Pittbull."
by deandre December 1, 2005
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any type of causal shoe usually consisting of rubber soles and a leather upper.
"I saw those tennis shoes at Footlocker."
by deandre December 1, 2005
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to acidentally catch your penis when you zip your pants after urinating. It is the combination of equipment and nip. Can also be reffered to as "equipnip"
My piece was hurtin for a while after my unfortunate quipnip incident.
by deandre November 30, 2005
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small pieces of colored sugar or candy that are scattered over the surface of ice cream, cakes, or cookies as a decoration. Pittsburghese
"Can i have jimmies on my cupcake ma?"
by deandre December 1, 2005
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How Pittsburghers ask, "Did you eat yet?"
The proper response would be, "Nodju?" ("No, did you?")
Person 1: "Its 12:00, Jeetjet?"
Person 2: "Nodju?"
by deandre December 2, 2005
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a handheld device used to operate a television set or other electronic device from a distance. Pittsburghese
"Hand me the zapper so I can change the channel."
by deandre December 1, 2005
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The confluence of the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers to form the Ohio River. Located in Pittsburgh, PA. Also, the location of Point State Park.
"Let's all hang out at The Point after school."
by deandre December 1, 2005
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