13 definitions by darren o'donnell

(noun) An irrational impulse to google or otherwise use the internet to search for something completely impossible to locate on the WWW.

(verb) To experience the desire to google something ungoogleable.
(noun) When I realized I had misplaced the keys to the safe I experienced such a strong google twitch that I actually sat down in front of my computer and typed "keys to safe" before I recognized my foolishness.

(noun) Jimmy lost track of his girlfriend, Yvonne, at the mall and while searching for her had a momentary google twitch as he walked past a computer store.

(verb) I was trying to remember where we were when we first kissed and I totally google twitched.
by darren o'donnell June 3, 2006
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a delusional impulse while video chatting with someone.
While videochatting with Yvonne, she went to the bathroom. I had the videlusion that I could hide in her closet and scare her when she came back. (true story)
by darren o'donnell July 11, 2008
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Having qualities that both delight and repulse the senses. Usually used to describe a person who is both very attractive and very hideous at the very same time.
Christopher Walken is beaugliful. Paula Jones, the woman who sued Bill Clinton, is beaugliful. Beaugliful, like any aesthetic assesment, is in the eyes of the beholder.
by darren o'donnell May 13, 2006
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A full bladder that tends to wake you up in morning.
My alarm cock woke me up at 5 this morning; maybe I should get my prostate checked.
by darren o'donnell August 19, 2008
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To brag while pretending to complain.
Jake is always complagging about how tiresome it is to be making art in Europe.

I was complagging about the fact that since August 28th, I've been on fourteen flights. But it really is hard on my back!
by darren o'donnell October 28, 2007
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(noun) The smoke that drifts into buildings from the cigarette addicts who stand just outside, hauling on their butts.
I was trying to eat my banana bread at the Common Cafe, when the tobaccdraft killed my appetite.
by darren o'donnell June 19, 2008
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A comment, status update or tweet designed to illicit idiotic responses.
Almost any mention of politics is great douchebait. Take a firm position and watch the feeding frenzy.

I criticized some parents for using their child's image as a profile pic on Facebook and it proved to be a perfect piece of douchebait.
by darren o'donnell April 13, 2011
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