61 definitions by dagger_grrl

a bisexual or sexually flexible guy/gal. originally meant someone who bats with both hands equally well, or someone who plays for both teams.
sarina's a switch hitter, she goes both ways.
by dagger_grrl November 2, 2003
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an oddly addictive, endearing cop dramady on the USA cable network, centering around the character of Adrian Monk (played by Tony Shalhoub), a San Fransisco detective battling with obsessive-compulsive disorder and his grief over the death of his late wife, Trudy.
i usually don't watch TV, but i make an exception for Monk.
by dagger_grrl February 17, 2004
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one who is pleasant to look at, usually used for a young woman.

an attractive person.
marie was quite a looker before the sausage mill incident.
by dagger_grrl June 2, 2004
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one who is interested in bisexuality as a potential life style or self-ID. one who wishes to explore their capacity for a bisexual or same-sex relationship.
maria had been married and dated men, but after meeting denise she became more bi-curious.
by dagger_grrl October 12, 2003
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bi or sexually flexible, as in "he's down for anything". my new favoite word.
hey, i'm downe. wanna go fool around at my place?
by dagger_grrl November 2, 2003
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a genre of american music developed in the southern united states, with its roots in english and irish folk tunes, african-american blues stylings, and gospel. usually incorporates quavering vocals, fiddles, guitars, and southern accents. used to be decent(think patsy cline, loretta lynn) has now generally deteriorated into radio-friendly, predictable, over-done, poorly rhymed little ditties that all sound alike.
i love my patsy, but who in sam hill is this tim mcgraw guy?
by dagger_grrl March 17, 2004
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to be a gay, lesbian, bi or queer person who hides their true sexual orientation from the public and those around them. often for fear of persecution, rejection, others' reactions, but not always for negative reasons. some would just as soon not come out or see no reason to.
jerry's gay, but he stays closeted to avoid losing his teaching job.
by dagger_grrl October 12, 2003
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