2 definitions by dabestyologirlforeva123

She is the bestest friend you could ever have. She is so special, you cannot lose her. She is a unicorn a one in a million, a billion. She is also very timid at first but she is worth knowing
*this is a real example*

2nd grade-
Me: I think we're going to be friends forever
Sofia: me too

High shool-
Me: best friends?
Sofia: best friends
by dabestyologirlforeva123 February 1, 2015
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A confident girl who fights for what she believes in and never puts her head down.She has taken alot of shit over the years but fought for her rights and her friends.She is beautiful and kind to the people who don't piss her off and always love to dance craizylly and not afraid of what people thinks about her cuz she knows she's magical and awesome and beautiful in every way i would say that she's a unicorn.She's also really funny and i laugh till it hurts when she says jokes or a hilarious story.And lastly (even thought there is so much more good things about her that i cannot name them all)she is amazing best friend who cares alot about her friends more then she cares about her she is the other half of me.
GIRL 1:that girl seems like such a bitch
GIRL 2:i wouldn't talk about her like that cuz she's da bomb she's kind and awesome more than ull ever be.
GIRL 2:I wish i was more like Rebecca
by dabestyologirlforeva123 February 27, 2014
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