13 definitions by cryptic

1. Two polar bears stuck together.

2. A bisexual bear.

3. A bear that has been magnetized.

4. Any combination of the aforementioned definitions.
1. Ha! That bipolar bear can't decide whether to sleep or run around.

2. Ha! That bipolar bear can't decide whether to sleep with Jimmy or with Julie.

3. Ha! That bipolar bear is stuck to that piece of metal!

4. Ha! That bipolar bear is stuck to a piece of metal and can't decide whether to gnaw itself out and sleep with Julie, or sit around thinking about Jimmy.
by cryptic May 7, 2005
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1. A black person who is also of Italian descent.

2. An Italian person pretending to be black.

3. A derogatory term similar to "moron" or "retard".
1. A man named Chef Mario Djequavious.

2. A man named Chef Mario who calls himself Djequavious.

3. "You stupid niggerachio!"
by cryptic May 5, 2005
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1. A handshake done by white people, thus making it very boring.

2. A milkshake comprised of unknown white substances.

3. An indian tribe (pronounced wit-eh-shock-ee) that practices cannabalism, paganism, and badminton.

4. A brand of vibrators.
1. The whiteshake was really lame.

2. The whiteshake smelled foul.

3. The whiteshake ate my Jewish cousin because he couldn't play badminton.

4. The whiteshake fits nicely in one's punane.
by cryptic June 1, 2005
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A thin line of hair found at the tip of one's penis.
Eric shaved his dickstache. Michelle noticed a positive change in her sex life.
by cryptic June 30, 2005
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Similar to the doo rag, except worn around one's scrotum.
He wore an itsy bitsy teeny weeny Yellow polka dot scrotal doo rag
That he wore for the first time today
by cryptic May 10, 2005
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1. Possessing qualities or being similiar to Jesus, often describing one's beard.
That's a Jesusian beard right there.
by cryptic May 5, 2005
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