1 definition by crcoop

(n) A way of life.

Chivalrous yet Vulgar.

Courteous yet Cruel.

Creative yet Destructive.

Traditional yet Progressive.
Ubiquitous yet secret.

Nothing yet Everything.
Guy 1: "How was your day today?"
Guy 2: "Pretty typical. Killed 138 Nazis on COD, downed (pause 30 sec for counting empty cans) 14 cold ones, beat cancer and swine flue, got swoll at the CCRB, smoked ribs and 5lbs of pork shoulder, stayed fresher than Will Smith, took 4 dumps, puked on myself while sleeping, found an extra dirty pair of boxers in my pants, and took down the house in hold em."
Girl 1: " Hoooooouuuuuuuu maaaaahhhhhhh Gaaaaawwwdddddddd!!!"
Guy 1: "MIHL"
by crcoop May 13, 2010
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