2 definitions by crakenberry

The sorry state one feels of being labeled as a town, or small city outcast.
Poor Thomas must be having a fort dragg day, due to his inability to take a hint and awkward behaviors of looking and checking every and any girl out he inevitably hermeted himself from any healthy female friendship.
by crakenberry June 28, 2017
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Hetting trolled is having some one be an ass hole over a computer screen. Trolling is amazing as it is the last bastion of free speach.
I got trolled in a chat room. Some user said I was the ugluest person that ever lived. He told me that life will be nothing but hell and i will die in some sewer after bieng forgotten by everything. Getting trolled is rough but its a form of free speach that makes me happy to live in these times.
by crakenberry September 4, 2020
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