3 definitions by cougar744316

Reference to Acts 14:14.
When two men tear their clothes and run off into a crowd to talk about men.
Friend 1: hey brah, ya wanna go kudos with me in Times Square?
Friend 2: sorry man I went kudos yesterday.
by cougar744316 May 1, 2011
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An old man who has excessive amounts of dandruff on his ballsack.
Look at that old geezer! I would hate to see him go kudos
by cougar744316 May 1, 2011
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When a man is fucking a girl but his dick is too big, resulting in his penis getting stuck inside a girls vagina. they must then walk awkwardly to the garage, take out a chainsaw and saw his penis off at the point it enters the vagina.
Friend 1: hey where were you the past week at work? Boss is mad.
Friend 2: sorry i had to make a stuck elevator repair and ended up in the emergency room. i went from a jake to a 2 inch dick.
by cougar744316 May 1, 2011
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