2 definitions by cookiemonsterwanteatyou

The by far most underpriced figure in heroscape. why he couldnt just have 6 defense and become mortal is beyond us all.
"holy shit, your Q9 just destroyed my entire 600 pt. army. thats really fair."
by cookiemonsterwanteatyou December 8, 2008
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The dry, irritated, shrunked form of balls usually received after swimming for too long. Wearing a speedo only makes this condition worse, as it also compresses said balls.
After the all day invite, I had such a bad case of swimmer balls, I spent the rest of the night scratching them and rubbing moisturizer on them, but in the end, the only thing that could fix it was a nice tea bagging from my girlfriend.
by cookiemonsterwanteatyou September 13, 2009
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