4 definitions by comofo

"Does that company make money?"
"Yeah quigs says 10.7 billion last year from ad revenue alone."
by comofo January 17, 2019
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The Machine God, also known as the Omnissiah or Deus Mechanicus, is the supernatural entity worshipped by the Tech-priests and other servants of the Adeptus Mechanicus as the embodiment and bestower of all knowledge and technology in the universe.

For many in the Imperium of Man, this belief conflicts with the orthodox theology of the Imperial Cult where the only god of humanity is the Emperor of Mankind. But since the Adeptus Mechanicus is vital to the survival of the Imperium, conflict over this issue is often avoided by the Mechanicus' willing conflation in its theology of the Machine God's avatar in the physical world, the Omnissiah, with the Emperor Himself.

This compromise truly satisfies neither believers in the Cult Mechanicus or the Imperial Cult, but it keeps the peace between the two faiths and the wider Imperium functioning.
"My computer keeps getting weird errors."
"Have you tried praying to the Omnissiah?"
by comofo April 4, 2019
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A trial in which neither evidence nor witnesses are presented.
Bill Cosby demanded a presidential trial after hearing about them.
by comofo February 2, 2020
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Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental illness and a form of child abuse. The caretaker of a child, most often a mother, either makes up fake symptoms or causes real symptoms to make it look like the child is sick.

The DSM-IV places Factitious Disorder by proxy (i.e., Munchausen's syndrome by proxy) into this category, defining it as “the intentional production or feigning of physical or psychological signs or symptoms in another person who is under the individual's care for the purpose of indirectly assuming the sick role."
Their sole caretaker was diagnosed with Munchausen by Proxy after it was discovered they were poisoning the child to make them seem more ill in order to gain sympathy.
by comofo August 11, 2022
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