5 definitions by chipthechap

the art of being a total Cunt, acting or looking like a Cunt, saying things that make it obvious you are in fact a Cunt,
anything Cuntish like:

doesn't matter what you win, we'll always have "istory" this is Cuntary
by chipthechap December 12, 2009
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A boy who when Holidaying in Turkey is abused by the largely homosexual native gangbase and forced to walk on all fours while filling their sex crazed needs
Peter "Hey is that little english lad being ridden by a turkish boy George lookalike?"

Ahmed " its a custom here among some of the criminal gangs, they choose a boy to be their Goat Boy and take turns ride him"
by chipthechap July 7, 2010
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MTS or Dwarf foot as it has commonly been referred to is a rare condition that affects the four didgets to the side of the main Toe in particular and can lead to

sufferers being bullied and frowned upon when having to reveal their feet in situations where they would normally have bare feet.Sufferers can be recognised on the beech wearing thick fishing socks or socks with different coloured toe caps to give the illusion of length to the stunted
Toe area and in some cases they will have Tatoos aplied to the normalish big toe to discourage onlookers from observing the smaller and more insignificant toes.Excuses as to why they have the disease (most sufferers are in denial) include "I have wide feet" or I'm small and stood on Tip Toe too much" are
commonly used to avert the stigma attatched to the disease which originated in Hungary and is known as Kitchy Lob (Translate): tiny Foot.Please copy and paste this to your profile if you have ever come across a poor unfortunate suffering from this particularly embarrasing disorder.
Tom "That Boy has got obsurdly small Toes"

Chris "Thats Midget Toe Syndrome and it affects girls as well"
by chipthechap July 4, 2010
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Midget Toe Syndrome
MTS or Dwarf foot as it has commonly been referred to is a rare condition that affects the four didgets to the side of the main Toe in particular and can lead to

sufferers being bullied and frowned upon when having to reveal their feet in situations where they would normally have bare feet.Sufferers can be recognised on the beech wearing thick fishing socks or socks with different coloured toe caps to give the illusion of length to the stunted
Toe area and in some cases they will have Tatoos aplied to the normalish big toe to discourage onlookers from observing the smaller and more insignificant toes.Excuses as to why they have the disease (most sufferers are in denial) include "I have wide feet" or I'm small and stood on Tip Toe too much" are
commonly used to avert the stigma attatched to the disease which originated in Hungary and is known as Kitchy Lob (Translate): tiny Foot.Please copy and paste this to your profile if you have ever come across a poor unfortunate suffering from this particularly embarrasing disorder.
Tom "That boy has got tiny little Toes"

Chris "haven't you heard of Midget Toe Syndrome?"
by chipthechap July 4, 2010
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throwing your toys out the pram, losing it, generally faffing about in an uncaring way
right I.ve had enough of this I'm gonna start smashing things (chucking a mayhew)
by chipthechap December 13, 2009
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