13 definitions by chickewingzbruh

The best response to any question. Coined by Famous Dex Also see: It was business.
Example 1:

Interviewer: Sooo, you stopped playing basketball, and then what?

Famous Dex: And then...Skreets!

Interviewer: The streets--

Famous Dex: Skreets!

Interviewer: So you get in the streets--

Famous Dex: SKREETS!

Example 2:

Interviewer: What is your nix, like what do you think you're known for?

Famous Dex: I'm known for...*Sips lean*...I'm known for like...Skreets!

Example 3:

Famous Dex: God blessed me with...Skreets!
by chickewingzbruh November 15, 2017
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A snackbar people enjoy raving and praising over before blowing themselves up or kamikazing themselves into the side of a building. It must be really good.


Remember, folks! Ali's Snackbar is the best!
by chickewingzbruh March 29, 2017
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A dodgy cunt is somebody who would otherwise happily engage into something when it is in favor of them, but under the circumstance that it is NOT in favor of them, will avoid whatever it is at all costs, usually pretending like whatever it is is suddenly getting redundant.
Terry: When I called Johnny out on being such a hypocrite, he started to claim the entire discussion was getting redundant, when HE brought it up in the first place.

Jim: Wow, what a dodgy cunt.
by chickewingzbruh November 16, 2017
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Barry: What you just said sounds like something Anne Fagette would say...

Ben: What the fuck man?! What I said doesn't sound gay at all!

Barry: Noooo, I said Anne Fagette.

Ben: Who's that?

Barry: Uuhh...a poet...
by chickewingzbruh February 16, 2017
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It is an expression used in the, "if it hit you", manner. As in something you currently do not realize or experience. It literally means if something bluntly hit you in your butt/ass cheeks.
"You wouldn't know loyalty if it hit you in your cheeks, homie." - Quote or similar quote to a line said by Carl Johnson to Ryder in GTA: SA
by chickewingzbruh November 22, 2016
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The official medical term for low functioning coomer brain. High functioning coomers are diagnosed with assspermers.
Jerry: Did you hear about Dan?
Tom: No. What about him?

Jerry: He stayed in his room all spring break and did nothing but jerk off to porn. He didn’t even eat or leave his room to use the bathroom, he just reconsumed his jizz and shit for nutrients.
Tom: Oh god! what happened? Is he okay?
Jerry: He lost almost half of his body weight and his mom took him to a behavioral therapist. They diagnosed him with aujism.
Tom: What the fuck is aujism?

Jerry: It’s just the official medical diagnosis for low functioning coomer brain.
by chickewingzbruh April 19, 2021
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Someone who claims to be a Queen fan but only likes Bohemian Rhapsody. They may also be acquainted with the songs We Will Rock You and We Are the Champions but it's 50/50 as to whether or not they even know they're by the same band. Speaking of the whole band, they usually do not know who any of the personnel is except Freddie Mercury. In fact, to most of them, "Queen" and Freddie Mercury are interchangeable. They tend to have very narrow and trendy music tastes to begin with.
Dan: So what type of music do you listen to?
Bohemian Rhapsotard: Oh you know, Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande, Maroon 5...
Dan: Any classic rock?
Bohemian Rhapsotard: Classic rock?
Dan: You know, like Queen.
Bohemian Rhapsotard: I love Queen!
Dan: Really? Me too! What's your favorite album by them? Mines News of The World!
Bohemian Rhapsotard: Uh...Bohemian Rhapsody?
Dan: Oh, so you like A Night at the Opera?
Bohemian Rhapsotard: Uh...what? No, I like Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. You know? Freddie Mercury?
Dan: ...and Brian May, and Roger Taylor, and John Deacon...
Bohemian Rhapsotard: Who???
Dan: ...
Bohemian Rhapsotard: Oh yeah, speaking of classic rock, I LOVE those songs We Are the Champions and We Will Rock You. I never found out who made those though...
by chickewingzbruh February 29, 2020
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