10 definitions by chandizl

noun; see also pt luiser; any variation of the standard, already pauperized pt cruiser. Usually found with wooden side-panneling, flashy accessories, or flame graphics, giving the appearance of living life in overdrive. Primarily the direct result of mid-life crises.
"My parents bought me a pt loser for xmas... FUCK YEA!!"
by chandizl December 20, 2008
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noun; associated with frat boys. Men who pay to have other male friends, such as in a fraternity. Spend most of their time worrying about their hair and going to the gym to cure hangovers. They spend more time talking about women than actually being around them.
Bro 1: "It would be bromosexual of me to rub sun-block on your back."

Bro 2: "But my arms are too fat from weightlifting to reach."
by chandizl December 1, 2008
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noun; a short girl who weighs no less than 240 lbs. Can consume 3 times her body weight.
The 240 shorty preys on drunk frat boys.
by chandizl December 11, 2008
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noun; A short woman that weighs no less than 240 pounds. Usually found smoking a burrito like a cigarette and manages to acquire skinny, passive aggressive men that are unable to speak for themselves.
trucker paulsen found a 240 shorty... a match made in fat-heaven.
by chandizl December 1, 2008
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Diarrhea as a result of food baby. "The runs". Usually the result of greasy fast-food.
"I need to get to a delivery room before i abort this food fetus all over the lobby."

"I've been having abortions for weeks. Must be food baby poisoning."
by chandizl January 8, 2009
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(pee-tee lou-zur) noun; nickname given to p.t. cruisers that don flashy accessories, wooden paneling, or flame graphics to give the appearance of "living life in overdrive." Usually the end result of a mid-life crisis.
Those purple tanks from halo look like a p.t. luiser.
by chandizl December 11, 2008
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noun; Where you live. Any plot of land under your ownership with which you take scandalous women to have promiscuous, unprotected sex.
"Ay, girl. Do you want to come back to my fuck palace? But my mom lives there."
by chandizl December 20, 2008
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