5 definitions by chad z

The smell of a football players feet after he runs 15 laps.
My teacher's breath smelled like orva.I almost passed out.
by chad z March 5, 2008
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The crumbs between your layers of fat.
I found some carpa while i was playing Halo 3.
by chad z March 3, 2008
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A fart that gas is visible to the naked eye!
I hads a Spadoodler when i ate beans,exlax,and some dirt. The color was green
by chad z March 5, 2008
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A very disturbing itch in your groinal area in witch you cannot itch in a publical area.
I had a grointalon while I was at Wal-Mart,luckily i made it to the bathroom.
by chad z March 5, 2008
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A drunk blonde chick that doesn't know the difference between left and down.
The brudget fell down insted of going thrugh the door to the left.
by chad z March 3, 2008
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