4 definitions by bubbadave

person who frequents the Colorado River.In particular the Lake Havasu/Parker Strip region. Commonly pays more attention to their boat than their wife,family,house etc. Almost always seen with a Coors Light in hand
Look at that guy. A piece of crap truck and a fugly house but a $75000.00 boat.

Yah,he must be a River Rat.
by bubbadave July 31, 2005
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to take a crap or a dump. usually very large
"Hey, where is Bob?"
"He's in the bathroom sending home a Texan"
by bubbadave July 25, 2005
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someone who farts in the bath tub and bites at the bubbles.
That dude is so weird. He's probably a schnarf.
by bubbadave July 31, 2005
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to suck in an sloppy, uncontrolled and enthusiastic way
that skanky bitch loved to slarve mydode.
by bubbadave June 27, 2005
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