5 definitions by bruh 🙂

Something dumb people do and make a total 360 on after they regret it
Person A: Things weren't too bad after a few days of gambling, but months later it's really starting to get to me

Person B: You just got defund the police'd
by bruh 🙂 February 13, 2022
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A societally worthless social media influencer who is egotistical enough to somehow think they are doing something good by trying to sway others into believing things they say that they actually know nothing about
Woketuber: Vote for Joe Biden or you're racist!

Everyone else: Nobody cares about you or your dumb worthless opinion
by bruh 🙂 February 13, 2022
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Something the they/thems are putting into our drinks all of a sudden.
Alcohol enjoyer: What beer should I buy?

Alcohol enjoyer's gigachad friend: Try Ultra Right Beer. It's not contaminated with tranny semen, unlike a certain brand that shall not be named.

Alcohol enjoyer: Ultra Right Beer sounds good to me.
by bruh 🙂 June 7, 2023
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An implicit way of saying, "I will never challenge authority because I am incapable of non-state-managed thought. I believe everything the mainstream narrative tells me no matter how ridiculous, illogical, or false, including that there are a million genders out there for you to choose." People will usually cringe when they're asked this question and will think of ways to end the conversation ASAP and never talk to this deranged espouser of propaganda ever again.
Woke NPC: What are your pronouns?

Someone who's smart: Are you retarded?
by bruh 🙂 June 14, 2023
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if you thought one woke person was bad enough, we present to you: woke mob
Democrat turned Republican: The woke mob defunds the police after a single police killing and bans guns after a single shooting. However, the rise in crime due to a unpoliced and disarmed citizenry seems to be of no concern. Short-term thinking politicians who follow this sort of ideology will destroy this country.

Woke mob: *Goes batshit insane*
by bruh 🙂 February 13, 2022
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