4 definitions by bread_factory

Dickweed, sensitive, and he'll take your shit for years and will forgive u every time, for some reason. Everyone hates him, but doesn't and if u know a chris you'll know what I mean.
Chris: bruh stop


*doesn't stop*
Chris: thought I asked u to stop
Diego: and
Chris: *breathes in* whatever
by bread_factory May 26, 2019
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Cori is a person who's really fun to be around all the time, really pretty, and loveable. Everyone I know likes her, or is jealous of her.
by bread_factory May 22, 2019
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a symbol used to express your feeling towards someone being a fetus/thot.
( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)
by bread_factory November 18, 2019
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the symbol used to express your feeling of giving up hope
I'm going to flunk this test so hard (╯°□°)╯
by bread_factory November 18, 2019
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