5 definitions by boar_ts

The dumbest word in the english language because it is a phobia that means fear of long words. Whoever invented the word is taking the piss
Patient: I have a fear of long words.
Doctor: You are diagnosed with Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
by boar_ts March 16, 2020
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The most Australian word in the english language. The real meaning of the word is female genitals, and non-Australians consider it an extremely awful cuss word only to be used in extreme situations. But we Australians refer to our friends as good cunts or sick cunts, our funny friends as funny cunts, people who are stupidly gullible as silly cunts, dumb people as dumb cunts, fat people as fat cunts, skinny people as skinny cunts, and people we don't like as shit cunts. In fact, in Australia, there are only 2 genders: Shit cunts and sick cunts. The others are BS.
He gave my girlfriend a dildo as a christmas present in case I was too small and he barracks for collingwood. What a shit cunt. He also thinks choccy milk comes from brown cows. What a dumb cunt.
by boar_ts March 17, 2020
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An emoji used to insult someone online if they say something stupid, obnoxious or overly sensitive. This emoji is used to refer to someone as a special type of nerd: Not the supposed "smart kid" from high school or someone knowledgeable/academic, but rather the self-proclaimed genius who was the teacher's pet in high school. This breed think they are much smarter than they actually are, and it results in obnoxious behaviours such as correcting people's grammar in tiktok comments and then acting like superior beings, fact-checking edited comedy videos that are obviously edited, crying in the comment section when they see a joke they don't like, and thinking they are geniuses because they can answer easy math problems on social media such as "x + 2 = 4, find x". Example 1 below is a real example of 🤓 found online.
Example 1
*In an instagram reel comment section*

Dunning Kruger type nerd: They only call me smart when they can break down what I said
Normal person: 🤓
Dunning Kruger type nerd: Wouldn't expect you to understand
Normal person: 🤓

Example 2
*Instagram post shows math problem for middle schoolers*

"2x + 4 = 6"

Dunning Kruger type nerd (who has completed high school): x = 1 bozos so easy lmao
Normal person: 🤓
by boar_ts May 31, 2023
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A mindless phrase used repeatedly by NPCs, to show that they agree with the words of the woman beater and pyramid scheme owner known as Andrew Tate.
*Andrew Tate speaks*
Comment section NPC #2620: “Common Tate W”
Comment section NPC #6398: “Common Tate W”
Comment section NPC #0109: “Common Tate W”
Comment section NPC #7001: “Common Tate W”
And so on
by boar_ts December 23, 2022
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Someone who robbed and drugged people, made an excuse for it and called it an 'apology', and made straight people sleep with transgender people so that they question their sexuality. And her toxic fanbase ignores it.
Logical human: Cardi B is a shit cunt. She robbed and drugged people, made an excuse for it and called it an 'apology', and made straight people sleep with transgender people so that they question their sexuality.
Retard: No she's good
by boar_ts March 18, 2020
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