4 definitions by blyth

takeaways, also known as takeouts, fast food ect.
parent: what would you like for dinner tonight kids?
kid: can we get takeaways?
by blyth May 23, 2007
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Is the reason you are loosing an average of 4 hours of sleep per night; seeing your grades drop steadily; loosing at least 5G storage on your phone/computer; slowly becoming bankrupt (for some 'weird' reason); evolving slowly into a hermit crab that only moves occasionally to feed on pocky (or other Weeaboo captivated objects); and forgetting to go outside on most days (ahem, everyday).

It is also the concept that bought us all together in an element; formed a bond; changed your sentiment on life; took you on individual adventures (despite the fact that you never actually moved from your beds); and last of all, opened up a new world for you.
"Man, what happened to your grades?"
"Anime happened."

"Do you have any inspiration for us, Mr/Mrs President?"
"Idk, go home and watch some anime."
by blyth September 21, 2015
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Is the reason you are loosing an average of 4 hours of sleep per night; seeing your grades drop steadily; loosing at least 5G storage on your phone/computer; slowly becoming bankrupt (for some 'weird' reason); evolving slowly into a hermit crab that only moves occasionally to feed on pocky (or other Weeaboo captivated objects); and forgetting to go outside on most days (ahem, everyday).

It is also the concept that bought us all together in an element; formed a bond; changed your sentiment on life; took you on individual adventures (despite the fact that you never actually moved from your beds); and last of all, opened up a new world for you.
"Man, what happened to your grades?"
"Anime happened."

"Do you have any inspiration for us, Mr/Mrs President?"
"Idk, go home and watch some anime."
by blyth September 21, 2015
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a girl (usally a teenybopper) who is into the latest trends. tend to be slutty and shop at supre. likes whatever is 'in' at the present time whether or not she actually likes it.
a supre girl thinks she is punk because fashion tells her that she is, when really she has no idea what punk is.
by blyth May 23, 2007
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