3 definitions by blindpersonhrs

The place where you go to spend 40$ on your birthday and eat it all w/ ur bestie out of the back of a trunk. Afterwards you must yeet to the nearest Burger King before you shit yourself
Fuck I just ate Taco Bell....ugh..... I feel it coming!!!
by blindpersonhrs September 23, 2019
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The most commonly used word(s) that the secret squad uses b/c of how retarded all of the group members usually are
Bella:wtf you retarded bitch y are u climbing the telephone poll
by blindpersonhrs September 23, 2019
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The term the hoe gang uses everyday b/c it’s just fax man
Damn I thought I might be becoming thicc but nawr I’m just fat asf
by blindpersonhrs September 23, 2019
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