1 definition by blahiojjsd

Alternate spelling of "my" used to indicate an uneducated slack jawed or whiny voice. Used to mock something that someone/people you disagree with constantly go on about. Often used alongside other mocking techniques like deliberately bad spelling or all caps.
MUH GENETIKS (mocking overweight people who claim their weight is beyond their control).
MUH SOVEREEEEIGNTY (mocking Brexiteers)
MUH CANTHAL TILT (mocking incels saying trivial physical features is why they're incel)
MUH SeKoNd aMeNDMunt (mocking gun nuts)
MUH konDiShun! (mocking a colleague who constantly claims that he's late because of some medical problem which you don't believe)
by blahiojjsd January 31, 2019
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