185 definitions by black flag

The main road in England that links Exeter in the south west with Birmingham in the midlands. Infamous for it's heavy congestion and endless lines of caravans in the summer months
I know we are on the M5, I can see 400 caravans and we have moved 400 yards in the last two hours.
by black flag June 15, 2004
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UK crime slang

A gun, a bang stick, the hand cannon etc
Look out ernie, he's going for his shooter.
by black flag June 2, 2004
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A proposed combined arts, media and community centre that was planned for the Barton Hill area of Bristol by local residents for local residents. However the project was scraped after Community at Heart withdrew funding claiming that they didn't have the fianances to complete the project. Yet the same quango still managed to find another £1.5 million extra cash for it's universally unpopular masterplan
"The closure of the unit 19 project is yet another example of Community at Haert over riding the wishes of the local community in favour of Mcdadeism and the political kudos of Emperor Ralph
by black flag June 25, 2004
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Class traitor thatcherites
Most of tony blair and his cronies make thatcher look like a social reformer.
by black flag June 24, 2004
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1) An obscure ball game played against a wall. It is vaguely similar to squash, but the players hit a small cork ball with a padded glove.

2) A bunch of fives. London slang for a fist.
He agve me a bunch of fives cos I beat the guy on the fives court.
by black flag May 31, 2004
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Cockney ryhming slang for tea (see Rosey Leefor broader definition)
Brew up mate. I'm in desperate need of a cup of Rosey.
by black flag May 31, 2004
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The fifteen minutes of fame that, if Andy Warhol is to be believed, we are all entitled to have.
Mary was selected to appear on Big Brother, she knew this was her Warhol Moment and that her 15 minutes was here.
by black flag June 27, 2004
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