2 definitions by bigdave12345

Scruffy anti social no brains who congregate on street corners of working class communities in the UK, chavs dress in the latest scrubber gear from sports direct such as joggers (sweat pants) and hoodies. They think they look the dogs bollocks but they actually look like scruffy cunts.

Chavs try and intimidate people on the streets, usually when said individual is on their own. when not in a gang, and on their own, they will shit themselves if confronted. Chavs make money by dealing drugs, mugging old grannies and thieving.

Chavs are a disgrace to decent working class people.
John the chav was arrested again for selling weed.
by bigdave12345 May 13, 2018
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The local druggie, zombie like in appearance but less intelligent. Addicted to the drug known Heroin or ''brown'', common in ex pit villages in the north of England.

Smackheads are generally scummy people who deserve no sympathy, will put the well being of their own children to get their fix. They will lie, cheat, steal use and abuse well meaning people such as family and friends to get there next fix.
Mick the smackhead was injecting heroin again while his kids starve because they have no food.
by bigdave12345 May 13, 2018
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