7 definitions by beepbeepgg100bitsinthechat

a stupid nonce who likes touching up kids that are impubescent.
"If there age is on the clock they're ready for the cock."
"You talking about Mr. Rowe? "
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when you are taking the piss out of the autistic kid in your class and your computing teacher doesn't like it.
"Can you stop exploiting other students weaknesses in my class thank you"
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When the autistic kid in your class is playing with his fingers and not paying attention to the computing teacher, "Um gavin do you need your fidget toy?"
"Um gavin do you need your fidget toy?"
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when someone asks you a question or tells you something and you aren't paying attention. Basically just to piss someone off.
"Did you have breakfast this morning?"
"Indeed i did."
"Dude that's fucking gay."
"Indeed it is."
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when your computing teacher is explaining something about python and you aren't paying attention and the teacher shouts "Stop dossing!"
"Oi Gav stop dossing in my lesson!"
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when a person asks an obvious question or a question that is so retarded that you just can't even be bothered to answer it.
"Dad, is football really coming home?"
"Crystal Ball?"
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