11 definitions by barbie

AIS simply stands for ass in seat. Word can be used when you set an exact time or something and you let the person know AIS or else.
Mike's father told him and his younger brother at 5:30am they better he AIS or they will get left.
by barbie March 29, 2005
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<noun> The 'Net handle of the worlds sexiest Admin.

<meaning> The untangable x-factor by which all existance is measured and displayed to the human eye.
Hot Girl: "Gee whizz i wish i was BarbedWire's lover."
Hot Girl 2: "He would totally do me over you."
Ugly Girl: "I am sad because i'm ugly."
by barbie November 26, 2003
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1. The hottest group of girls on the planet. Barbie, Broklyn, and Aphrodite. Love all of you!

2. A type of African herb used to make sex more enjoyable.

3. An ingredient used in many different love potions.

(~noun~ cannot be used in plural form.)
I promise we didn't make or group name Yohimbe because of it's true meaning. We... uhh thought it sounded good!
by barbie March 2, 2005
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wow...my other boyfriend had a bigger schploobibop
by barbie August 10, 2004
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