1 definition by b_r_o_n_t_e_did_infact_ma_ke

Yurtle is an adverb for literally anything you want. Use it in any sentence, in any shape and form you like. Yurtle may be an adverb but do not feel afraid of using it as an insult or maybe even a compliment. It really means absolutely anything you want.
"You absolute yurtle!"

"I'll be there in a yurtle."

"Yeah, and he just kind of Yurtled towards me. I've never feared more for my life than in that moment."

"She's a real yurtle, I love her dearly. I hold her to the most highest regard. I would take a bullet for her."

"I yurtle you?"

"I, yurtle you?"

"I yurtle, you?"

"Be careful he's been known to yurtle those he hates. I'd watch your back
... literally and metaphysically."

"Sometimes I just feel so yurtle. Like I've just been yurtled by Derrick and I want to die. My life is in complete and utter chaos."

"You look like a yurtle, act like one too and speak as if you're talking in tongues you dipshit. You Yurtle."

"You yurtled that test man! Great job!"


"His kid got yurtled by a G-Wagon last week. It really is a tragedy. I'll be attending the funeral on friday. I do hope to see you there."
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