3 definitions by awashedplayer

It stands for "minecraft youtubers" A.K.A a bunch of losers that live with their parents playing minecraft all day, whilst 11-16 year old girls drool over them for no apparent reason. Another word for "mcyt" would be the word: "retarded" and "retards" another word for their stans would be the word "obsessed".
Wow mcyt is my favorite type of content to watch. Who's your favorite? My favorite are : *inserts a bunch if no named idiots*
by awashedplayer June 12, 2021
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A washed H1 player that now plays Fortnite in deep depression. Proud SmileSquad Member, weird meme enthusiast.
WOOOW you play like a pussy. Throw more nades fag, KYS raptrz -308h1
by awashedplayer October 13, 2019
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Nickmercs is a video game streamer that has a fragile ego. also known as "Shitmercs." will copywrite strike your youtube channel for even criticizing him. he plays on a controller as an "average" competitive player. blames his teammates any way he can. gets boosted to higher ranks because he knows people that are actually talented. calls his community the #MFAM (merc family) also known as the manchild family.
Yoo Nickmercs is nuts on the controller! He uses full advantage of aim assist. What a gamer!
by awashedplayer September 20, 2021
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