4 definitions by averokage

how the fuck did you end up here- how bored were you to type this out, how bored were you to read this of all things instead of doing your HOMEWORK ZOEY
were you as bored as i was making this?
thats cool
but anyways, are you really THAT BORED to type out in full `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qwertyuiop{}asdfghjkl;:'"zxcvbnm,<.>/??/>.<,mnbvcxz"':;lkjhgfdsa}{poiuytrewq+=_-)0(9*8&7^6%5$4#3@2!1~`

like... really imagine what you could do with that time, you could exist

other things
by averokage June 15, 2021
Get the `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qwertyuiop[{]}asdfghjkl;:'"zxcvbnm,<.>/??/>.<,mnbvcxz"':;lkjhgfdsa}]{[poiuytrewq+=_-)0(9*8&7^6%5$4#3@2!1~` mug.
being ok, and average at the same time
Person 1: how you feeling
Person 2: averokage
by averokage October 3, 2021
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