24 definitions by ave_scientia

That one person who isn't allowed to enter a certain place, and will constantly do anything to get to that certain place until that person gets in. (Basically Jorji Costova from the game "Papers Please")
"Goddammit, Jorji Costova. Why do you keep trying to enter Arstotzka?"
by ave_scientia January 15, 2019
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A fictional country from Epop Sacul's indie game, "Esaelp, Srepap", where the story takes place.
The Nitserg region was divided by Akstotsra and Aihcelok.
by ave_scientia March 20, 2020
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The OverSimplfied Server Junior Mod that tells you to shut the fuck up whenever they want because they are a mega chad.
Some person: *says weird bullshit no one asked for*
Prekore: shut up FOOL
by ave_scientia October 21, 2020
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