1 definition by apaver

There are a few key steps to perform a canada dry
-Pour maple syrup in a woman's uterus then wait a few minutes
-Now pour the maple syrup out (into a bowl if you want some dope ass maple syrup)
-Now wait a few minutes for the syrup to dry
-Get your dick as dry as it can be and perform intercourse
-You should get the dryest stickest sensation in your life, it should feel like your dick is being skinned alive
-If you manage to climax yell "IT IS A LOVELY DAY WE'RE HAVING EH?" at the top of your lungs then apologise for everything you did
Max: Why the long face?

John: My wife tricked me into doing the Canada Dry.
Max: How?
John: She took the mape syrup and hid the lube while I was taking a shit
Max: Damn that's bad!
by apaver December 11, 2018
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