1 definition by anonamouys

types of people:
1. 55% of all the pleasantonite kids fall in to this catagory: aitheist or aganostic though their parents were raised christan or jewish so they still have to go to church. they make up the middle of the road group in the schools, the kids who get moderate to good grades and get in only a little trouble, often suck ups or sluts.
2.15% of the kids in pleasanton are waaay too christain and make fun of gay people and mexicans. they think their cooler than they realy are and show it. they often pretend to be skaters or gangsters and tell everyone storys about how tough they are.
3.15%...skaters. they too think that their realy awsome for the most part. some are cool and merge into the "punks" but a majority think that they are the best skater in town. also called "fgo kids" many smoke and drink, and quite a few smoke weed as well, shrooms not uncommon.
4.5%...punks. this includes all the kids that listen to underground bayarea punk, hardcore, noise, rockabilly ect. to be in this group you must also go to "shows" that play the music listed above. the main venue for pleasantonite punks, unity closed a few years ago so now most shows are held at the famous gilman in berkeley and house shows in the tri valley
5.3% these kids only play video games. they never leave thier house exept for school. they are often fat.
6.3% hippies these kids are very concerned with whats going on in the world today. they usualy get in trouble alot in and out of school and listen to old music from the 60's and hate modern rap and hip hop. they get called gay by the "popular" kids but dont realy care what people say about them too much. pot and shrooms are the drugs of choice for these kids and at home they make their parents buy free range meant, oraganic food and drinks, and hemp clothing.

the city: pleasanton is an upper middle class city with some rich neiborhoods. there is not very much to do, but downtown, the movie theater, and the mall are popular. crime is low and cops have way too much to do so get mad at kids for basicly nothing. some kids hang out in abandond houses and under bridges and on roofs, especially the hippies and punks
lets go to san fransisco instead of hanging around pleasanton today
by anonamouys January 16, 2008
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