142 definitions by angelacia

The best famous-people-family reality show ever. better than all those stupid ones like newlyweds, meet the barkers, til death do us part, or Run's house.
typical show of the osbournes

ozzy: mmmmugghmuuh *BEEP* muummmugghbl
sharon: oh ozzy! your such a *BEEP* *BEEP*
kelly: i'm not on *BEEP* drugs, you people are so *BEEP* *BEEP*
Jack: mum, kelly is SO on *BEEP* drugs, she doesn't have kidney failure like shes *BEEP* saying, she's too *BEEP* young. i'm going off to a *BEEP* awards show now.
by angelacia May 26, 2007
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A movement that simulates sexuality (if u havent noticed a lot of dance movements are also sex movements). used to have fun and attract others.
there are tons of different types of dance
by angelacia September 30, 2007
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How 'special' people pronounce the word 'special'.
Mrs SMith: Maggie's very...special.

Maggie: thpetho! thpetho!!

by angelacia June 13, 2007
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An English male author who writes books about the hopeless and pathetic lives of other English men. They can be very good but kind of depressing.
Did you read that new Nick Hornby book yesterday?
by angelacia May 24, 2007
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when someone is so eager to seem cool in an enivronment where they are in over their head that they act like really extravagant or extreme things are completely normal.
9 year old girl: yeah they got together last night!
overcasual 9 yr old: oh right, they had sex, no big deal
9 year old girl: ew no! they held hands
overcasual: oh right..
by angelacia October 24, 2010
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Ja Fool is a dis on Ja Rule.
Jimmy: Hey Tyrie, did you get the awesome new CD from Ja Rule? I got so jiggy with it that I almost broke a toe!

Tyrie: yo fake ass you listen to ja fool? bitch!
by angelacia May 23, 2007
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Somebody without a permanent home or residence. Usually can be found in public parks smoking weed and yelling at innocent people, sitting in the bus stop listening to a radio, on the freeway underpass, lying down on the sidewalk, or at Jack-in-the-Box.
I was in Jack-in-the-Box with my friends cuz we had to use the bathroom, and we had a conversation with a homeless guy there about 70's music.
by angelacia May 4, 2007
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