4 definitions by andersmusician

The only city in Peru, not very well planned though, moderate crime rate, thriving nightlife, downtown has some cheap tourist attractions, outskirts filled up with slums, roughly 65% of the population lives there.
Tourist: What's the capital city of Peru?
Peruvian: Lima is Peru!!!
by andersmusician February 2, 2009
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the most beautiful animal around, it's a cattle with mass-muscle buffs, these were naturally developed since birth.
crazy activist: OMG a cow on steroids stop breeding them!
belgian blue breeder: chill out man
by andersmusician February 2, 2009
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The reason why the world hates each other.
Act 1:
Xperson: I love my X culture!
Yperson: I love my Y culture!

Act 2:
*Both cultures encounter*

Xperson & Yperson: I think your culture is bothering me!
Xperson & Yperson: Mine is better than yours!

Act 3:
by andersmusician January 6, 2010
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The root of all racism.

A racialist is certain that people are physically different.
Racialism has two purposes:

__In the elite class:
A good physician needs to be racialist at times to see which patient receives which prescription.

__In the lower and middle classes:masses
An average low and middle class person is racialist just because it's fun to heat the social struggle.
by andersmusician January 6, 2010
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