2 definitions by an economist

Pronunciation: Wrong-chuss.
Function: adjective

1. The state of being unholy.
2. Acting contrary to divine or moral law.

Antonym of righteous.
"wrongeously" (adverb)
"wrongeousness" (noun)
Those who hold the hegemonic ideology are firmly convinced of the righteousness of their friends and the wrongeousness of their enemies.
by an economist June 3, 2009
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noun, also "environmystic," "environmystical" (adj.).

1. A body of propositions claiming that nature has enforceable rights independent of human wants and needs.

2. The view that the natural world is valuable for its own sake.

3. The view that one can make definitive, specific, and actionable claims about the costs and benefits of environmental changes independent of the price system.
The essay was an exercise in environmysticism: the author claimed that no matter the costs, recycling is always right.
by an economist April 26, 2009
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