1 definition by akx07

The county that is beyond doubt an ornament to the state of Maryland. From cow tipping, deer hunting, paintball, and farming, to chasing stocky German females,you can do whatever you want here, oftentimes in the company of insolent redneck hicks. Actually, you should probably pick wrestling, since the only person from Carroll County to ever attend an Ivy League school was accepted for just that reason.Sure,the IQ may not be that high out here,but the epidemic of alcoholism and drugs makes this is a blessing in disguise,since not much is lost when there wasn't too much there to begin with.
Hey,look! That guy drinking beer in his tractor just got pulled over and caught with five lbs. of weed!

Yep, it must be another Carroll County bumblefuck.
by akx07 January 10, 2011
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