1 definition by aes !

Racheal is such a beautiful name! Racheal is an alternate spelling of Rachel (Hebrews) which is Jacob's wife. Racheal's are honestly the most funniest person to hang around with. They are very understanding and a good listener. They are very creative and unique in their own way. Racheal's are looove to talk! Once you get to know a Racheal then you know what she really is. Racheal's only have a few close friends. Racheal's are also sensitive. If you somehow make her upset/annoyed she's definitely gonna say something about it. Racheal's aren't afraid to speak the truth. Racheal's are usually quiet, friendly, gentle, and extremely stunning. If you ever need advice go to a Racheal! They are also open-minded.
"Is that a Racheal? Damn, she's gorgeous!"
"Racheal was very thoughtful."
by aes ! December 17, 2017
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