3 definitions by acearce

The act of presumptuously telling another how they think due to an identified group belonging; especially within a perceived patriarchal societal construct.

Similar to mansplaining in that it is condescending and patronizing, but dissimilar in that cuntsplanations are also accompanied by a significant share of resentment and/or vitriol.
“I don’t go out with her anymore. Every time she gets more than one drink in her she starts cuntsplaining to everyone how their individuality is really just a symptom of an oppressive cultural construct and nothing more.”
by acearce April 7, 2016
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An acronym, standing for
"Your acronym was mad whack and demonstrates how you're a big internet loser"
"tdl4?" yawmwadhyabil.
by acearce October 20, 2008
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A person who believes they are a pioneering soldier in a war against oppressors, but is actually being a shrewd hypocrite who's pissing off someone they barely know/have no power.

Easily confused with: Critical thinking; Having a voice, SJW
She thought her misandry was just tit-for-tat, but when the new English major heard out her argument he realized she was just a cuntsplainer.
by acearce June 20, 2016
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