1 definition by abczxydefwvugihtsrqzghrpshzpnm

1. A person combining all the most negative characteristics of a douchebag, a retard, an infantile moron, a jerkbutt, a dumbass, an insect, a parasite, and a homosexual. Usually has a massive inferiority comlex. Tries to come across as tough and cool, but can't fool you if you've known him for two or more weeks. His idiotic antics are occasionally funny, but never when he means them to be, and only 2% of the time when he doesn't. Can't succeed at anything, not school, not sports, nothing. The only justification for the theory of eugenics. The word is usually a masculine adjective.

2. A roundworm(the intestinal parasite).
That guy is such a nematode!

We need to identify the gene for being a nematode.

Roundworms are nematodes
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