4 definitions by _i_found_it_mom_

Sonder is the realization that everybody around you, even strangers, are living a life just as complex as yours. Sometimes your hurting so bad and you feel your the only one. But after all your hardships you start to realize that everybody is so unique and you aren't the only one. Everybody lives are so indescribably different and there is no way you will ever understand their lives. To sum it up you are realizing that your not the only one living with such chaos and complexity. All people lives are unique, strange, chaotic, and complex, just like yours. Your not alone.
I lay in bed so deep in my thoughts, the darkness was all around me while, slowly, the sonder started to kick in. I then realized that not only me, but all seven point fifty three billion people in this world which they are constantly living despite my personal lack of awareness of it.
by _i_found_it_mom_ July 29, 2019
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when u be sad so you listen to sad music for a few hours at like midnight because your lowkey broken but thats besides the point, sis.
britney: sad boi hours are near, skinny sister..

Tori: frick...

britney: ye...

tori: shoot...

britney: that sucks....

tori: ye
by _i_found_it_mom_ July 29, 2019
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tea is defined as a noun, referring to gossip.
Spill the tea, sister

by _i_found_it_mom_ June 1, 2019
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Two bros chillin in a hot tub..five feet apart cuz their not G.A.Y.
by _i_found_it_mom_ June 1, 2019
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