8 definitions by Zer0Rebel4

a word meaning that you cannot deal with others bullshit
*person humble bragging*

by Zer0Rebel4 August 26, 2018
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a running capability test usually used on children to test their ability to run. this was especially common in elementary schools in the early 2000s to 2015, however, its recently fell out of fashion in some schools, due to children now being special little fucking snowflakes who cant run for their life.

this was also referred to as a torture method for 2nd and 5th graders, as the test is timed for every lap (running from point A, to point B back to point A), and this time limit goes up faster. most crotch goblins cant get past lap 5-7
"The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop. A sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark. Get ready!… Start."


Mike: "holy shit, i just finished the fitness gram pacer test"
Bryan: "damn, i only could make it to lap 5 before i passed out"
by Zer0Rebel4 November 9, 2020
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“Hey man, show me a picture of God!”
*shows them a picture of Sanic kissing Saness*
by Zer0Rebel4 May 20, 2018
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Show me a picture of God”
*gets a picture of Sanic*
by Zer0Rebel4 May 20, 2018
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A disease that works like HIV so people won’t fuck you
by Zer0Rebel4 October 19, 2018
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battleaxe bisexuals (BaBs) are a (typically) exclusionist group of bisexual identifying people who believe that pansexuality, omnisexuality and polysexuality contribute to biphobia. some of these people typically are asexual/aromantic exclusionist, transmed, genderfluid exclusionist, and/or hate on anyone that is in the LGBTIAQ+ community that isnt specifically any of the following (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans), as they believe that the LGBTIAQ+ community is specifically for those groups of people. some of these people also threaten and harass pansexual/omnisexual/polysexual, and even other bisexual folk who are not against other m-spec labels. many BaBs tend to say that these people are not battle axe bisexual, however, this is prevalent behaviour among them

Bisexual means attraction to more than one gender, however, its a very broad term, as there are some people with preferences and others without, hence the other m-spec terms that exist specifically to narrow down said users preferences. an example, not all bisexuals are pansexuals, but all pansexuals fall under bisexual

and no, panphobia is not hate against pansexuals, its a serious anxiety disorder, use the term anti-pan (this is literally coming from a pansexual)
Tracy:"hi! i identify as omnisexual!"
Mike: "oh cool! i identify as bisexual!"
Alex: "thats awesome! i identify as pansexual!"
Samantha: "OMFG uR coNTRIBUTIng TO bIPhoBiA yOU fuCKIng rEtARds"
Mike: "ew, a BaB"
Alex: "dont mind them, theyre a battleaxe bisexual"
by Zer0Rebel4 November 9, 2020
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When someone you see is so basic yet so absolutely hot that they're off the stack/unique in how basic they are.
Isabella: hey my look at this photo of my friend
Fernando: oh my god. Shes like a water from walmart off the stack
Isabella: what the fuck does that even mean
by Zer0Rebel4 November 26, 2021
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