1 definition by ZemmaBlue

“Did I just hear BBC say,
“Think of the Talibans Families”?

Reply: Welp, let us all officially welcome Prince Harry to “Negrodom”.
Cause this is what it looks like to be Black or adjacent.

2. I cant wait to move to Ghana. Can you image being around your own fellow people?
A literal Negrodom-a Wakanda-in true form!
A person who is either of the many black/African race or a person who now is either forcefully placed into the category because of being adjacent to it, or shows views that favor those of the African/Black race

1. After Prince Harry married Meghan Markle he went from “War Hero” to a person who killed Taliban family members.
“Welp, welcome to NEGRODOM Harry.
This is what non-white privilege looks like.”
by ZemmaBlue January 6, 2023
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