2 definitions by Zarah---Kalim

Baraa is a male individual who is either very fat or buff but without the abs. He is not the best looking fellow but he still becomes your David from Scott Westerfeld's novel. He is a whole new generation of fuckboy though he still makes you feel special. He flirts. He complements. He teases. He tells you he misses you. He compares you and him to other couples. He texts you everyday until 4 am. He always whats the two of you to hang and talks about you to his friends after which he introduces you. He always knows where you are but not in a stalkerish way and when he doesn't see you in the hall way he asks if you'r okay. When you'r sad he makes you feel great. He knows you so well he can even recognise if you are the one texting over text. BUT he also tells you about all those other girls he is trying to get.

You find out all his friends have heard were lies. You think it's all a act of jealousy so you tell him about this guy but once you do, puff, there he goes. He no longer calls you in the middle of the night. He no longer stops to say hi or waits for you once the class has passed. He just hits you with the stare of his eyes which you ignore because it breaks you from the inside.

Because of who he is and how hes made you feel you would have thought your feelings would pass but here you are. A summer later, sitting on your bed writing this definition at 2:15 just to let it all out of your heart. The anger. The hate. The memories. The love...
Girl 1: I think I'm in love.
Girl 2: With who?
Girl 1: Baraa
Girl 2: Stay away from him or he will break your heart
by Zarah---Kalim June 29, 2018
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A person who will make you feel special and make you fall in love but instantly break your heart leaving you shattered.
by Zarah---Kalim June 29, 2018
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