6 definitions by ZammmTruth

Someone with ced may have both anorexia and compelled eating among many other combinations of two or more
by ZammmTruth October 18, 2019
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Will love you forever if you bring her food and/or play with her hair
Message From Josie:

by ZammmTruth May 22, 2016
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A girl of a kind of mystery. She is open, honest, and direct, but only when asked or when she finds it necessary. Jo doesn't give her heart away easily, but when she does she falls hard. She has been broken and scarred. She just needs someone to hold her tight.(literally Jo loves to cuddle) Jo is usually a shortened version of a longer name. Most Jos have blue eyes and are average height. As well as big smiles, slimmer lips, tiny but cute butt, and big biceps. Jo loves music. And loves with her whole self will put her all into what she loves.
Jo: call me sometime!

-three days later-
*ring* *ring*
Jo: hey! Nice three day wait by the way...*laughs*
by ZammmTruth July 24, 2016
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It was so ovi that she liked him
by ZammmTruth May 28, 2016
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