1 definition by Yuppers:)

Ok, so I was reading the definitions of "PG County" calling this place a "slum" or some crap like that. It's not.

PG County is the richest mainly black county in the country. This means that, as oppposed to what you yuppie trash think, we aren't drug dealers or gangsters or whatever you think we do. We're just regular people. Having more black people than deemed "normal" doesn't make us a slum. And the public schools aren't all bad, I went there for 13 years and I came out fine. Sure there's crime and MS-13 and stuff like that, but even NOVA has that, so what is everyone comeplaining about? There are many inner-beltway towns such as Colmar Manor, Cottage City, Hyattsville, Bladensburg, etc. We also have outer-beltway towns such as Bowie, Upper Marlboro etc. PG county has a historical landmark town (Greenbelt) and an important war of 1812 battle (look it up). We are also largely ignored by large corporations such as Trader Joe's, Aeropostale, and Forever 21, who won't set up shop here because we are the wrong "economic demographic", apparently.
Person A: Man, PG County's a slum.

Person B: No we're not. Just because we have less cookie cutter developments and more regular houses doesn't make us a slum.
by Yuppers:) September 14, 2010
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