10 definitions by Yukira Tsurama

The younger asians or non asians that profess that they are better than everyone else (even though they are not). Signs of the "Asian retards" are:
(1) Typing in alternating CAPS and lowercase letters.
(2) Using words such as: dis, dat, sho, da, ETC.
(3) Claiming that Asians are the best even though they don't know shit about their own heritage.
(4) *sigh* I hoped it wouldn't come to this. The dreaded "Got Rice?" song...
Azns are not Asians.
by Yukira Tsurama July 3, 2003
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style name of Zhang He, a warrior of the Three Kingdoms
Junyi is oftened paired with Sima Yi.
by Yukira Tsurama July 3, 2003
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