1 definition by Your_Local_Librarian

An assortment of comfortable and sometimes trendy pieces of fabric that you wear on and/or around your body. More often than not, though, clothing is an excuse for women to drag their husbands/boyfriends away from quality time "with the guys" to instead spend hours on end at the mall looking for and trying on all sorts of clothing; mostly shoes, in a vain attempt to upstage "that slut, Janice." Other people hate wearing clothing. We usually refer to these people as nudists because they enjoy being nude. If you want to learn more about clothing, you can check out various books regarding the matter at your local library!
"Hey, man. What are you wearing?"

"Oh, this? It's called clothing."

"Wow! That's fascinating!"

"I know! Everybody is doing it."
by Your_Local_Librarian September 7, 2011
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